Press release

« Luis Adelantado is pleased to present The Oak and The Reed, a project by Yann Sérandour, articulated around one of Jean de la Fontaine’s most famous fables and which also gives name to this exhibition, where the artist has recreated a whole cosmos around the figure of water reeds, almost as a political proposal for the transformation of submission conditions.

To showcase this idea, he has made a series titled Refolded to Redress in which he establishes complex interference and crossing relationships with various imprints of cane herbaria from different countries. Originally, these prints were pleated so that they could be reproduced on stardard-sized paper. Yann deploys them in an attempt to reconstruct their earliest form.

By his bending and cutting, he points out the —illegitimate— similarity to then transform it into a difference, evidencing a thought whose flexibility is pierced, over and over again, by that which encapsulates it.

Now, in this game of models and copies, it is the difference that has moved onto the realm of images, exalting —in this case— the heterogeneous and performative aspect of a world whose strength lies in that folding and unfolding in all directions; yet it is not, paradoxically, completely determined, for —as the oak— it would run the risk of breaking. »

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