In recent years, the study of popular culture has blossomed into a field of study in its own right, at the crossroads of several methodologies (history, political science, literature, sociology, musicology, film studies, and so on). This pluridisciplinary approach will be applied to the analysis of popular culture in the polarised political context that has been experienced in much of the English-speaking world and many other parts of the world in recent years. This seminar aims at providing colleagues from a variety of academic backgrounds (British and American studies, cultural studies, political science, film studies, history, musicology) with a space in which they will be allowed to showcase their own research. It is hoped that this seminar should also provide doctoral students interested in pursuing research on popular culture in the future with deeper insight into the methodologies that may be applied when considering such a multi-faceted object.
Ce programme prend la suite du séminaire « Popular culture, politics and identity in Britain » dont les archives sont disponibles ici.

Programme 2024-2025


  • 30 janvier (14h-16h, salle L201): Guillaume Thomas (Université Lyon 3): « The political and cultural impacts of the OJ Simpson trial »


  • 13 février (14h-16h, salle L201): Claire Dutriaux (Sorbonne Université): « ‘So-called Southern Speech:’ the Racial Politics of Southern Accents in Hollywood Cinema, 1927-1964. »


  • 13 mars (14h-16h): John Denham (University of Southampton – former Labour MP and Secretary of State): « Englishness and politics: identity and ideas of the nation ».


  • 11 avril (14h-16h, salle L201): Elsa Grassy (Université de Strasbourg): « The Chronopolitics of folk: from Katrina to Helene ».