Séminaire ‘Popular culture, politics and identity in Britain’
Organisé par Guillaume Clément
In recent years, the study of popular culture has blossomed into a field of study in its own right, at the crossroads of several methodologies (history, political science, literature, sociology, musicology, film studies, and so on). This pluridisciplinary approach will be applied to the analysis of popular culture in the troubled political context that has been experienced in Britain and many other parts of the world in recent years. While it bears no doubt that British politics remains, to this day, defined by an increasing polarisation and the influence of populism, not least in the context of the Brexit referendum, it should be interesting to study how British popular culture reflects, mirrors, and sometimes comments upon the state of British society, politics and identity. This seminar aims at providing colleagues from a variety of academic backgrounds (English studies, cultural studies, literature, film studies, history, journalism) with a space in which they will be allowed to showcase their own research. It is hoped that this seminar should also provide doctoral students interested in pursuing research on popular culture in the future with deeper insight into the methodologies that may be applied when considering such a multi-faceted object.
- Séance 1 : jeudi 19/10/2023 (15h-17h – salle L201) – Guillaume Clément (MCF, Université de Rennes) : « The roots of Brexit in popular culture »
GC Roots of Brexit in pop culture Rennes 19 octobre 2023- diaporama
- Séance 2 : jeudi 23/11/2023 (15h-17h – salle L201) – Cécile Beaufils (MCF, Sorbonne-Université) : « Brexit Literature: crisis writing in the UK »
- Séance 3 : jeudi 7/12/2023 (15h-17h – amphi E2) – Coline Caillol (doctorante, Université Paris-Cité) : « Britishness in heavy metal – a socio-phonetic perspective »
- Séance 4 : jeudi 18/01/2024 (14h30-16h30 – salle L201) – Marion Henry (MCF, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) : « Représenter la communauté : brass bands et identités au sein des bassins miniers britanniques (1947-années 1960) »
- Séance 5 : jeudi 14/03/2024 (14h-30-16h30 – L148) – table-ronde avec Guillaume Clément, Noémie Lecoq (journaliste, Les Inrockuptibles) et et Christophe Brault (Alter1fo, France Bleu Armorique) : « Identité(s) dans le rock britannique à l’heure du Brexit »
British rock seminar – diaporama
- Séance 6 : jeudi 11/04/2024 (14h-30-16h30 – L148) – Nicole Cloarec (MCF, Université de Rennes) : « Revisiting ‘Little Britain’ in Don’t Forget the Driver (BBC 2019) »