A4LL, a new CALL system for teachers by teachers
As a pre-conference workshop to NLP4CALL, the A4LL team will be presenting some of the outcomes of the project. Join us for a two hour session to understand the ins and outs of the A4LL CALL system
Date: 24/10/2024 from 2PM to 4PM.
- A4LL, a linguistic analytics dashboard for teachers of L2 English: Introduction and dashboard demo – Thomas Gaillat & Rémi Venant
- Overview of the linguistic features: creating measures – Joint presentation: Nicolas Ballier, Bernardo Stearns and Jen-Yu Li
- Modelling learners’ CEFR against features of their texts – Andrew Simpkin
- A4LL architecture and modularity: minding collaboration and future steps in the system design – Cyriel Mallart
Venue: Université Rennes 2 – Campus Villejean Amphi bâtiment T (PNRV)