The Copulus verbs Ser and Estar through recent linguistic approaches and research in second language teaching.
  Co-supervision: Rennes 2 – LIDILE / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Cristian VALDEZ

  Date and place of defense: 4 December 2018, University Rennes 2 Directors: Aura Duffé (University Rennes 2) and Nicole Delbecque (Katholieke University Leuven) Jury President: Chrystelle Fortineau-Brémond Jury members:
  • Krys Bruyse
  • Maria Victoria Escandell Vidal
  • Georges Daniel Véronique


In this thesis, the study of the Copulus verbs Ser and Estar is approached from two complementary points of view. On the one hand, a grammatical analysis of a large corpus of authentic oral occurrences is carried out in order to evaluate the relevance of certain theoretical tools belonging to a cognitive approach to the question. On the other hand, from a second language teaching context, experimental research is conducted to examine the influence that the type of grammatical approach used in teaching can have on learners’ outcomes. In both cases, priority is given to the empirical validation of working hypotheses according to methodologies belonging, in one case, to linguistics and, in another case, to language didactics. In this way, it was possible to identify the field of specialization of each of the disciplines in terms of the description of the above-mentioned copulas, as well as the points of convergence between the fields of study concerned.

Keywords: Adjectival attribution, ser and estar, evidentiality, grammar teaching, Spanish (language) — study and teaching, Spanish (language) — verbs, Spanish (language) — conjugation, cognitive linguistics
García Márkina Yekaterina, Valdez Cristian, (soumis), « Ser y estar en producciones escritas en L2 con atributo nominal y locativo », Verba.
Valdez Cristian (2020),« Ser y estar : desde el análisis lingüístico hasta la enseñanza de español L2 », Monografías ASELE (Tesis doctorales), nº 24.
Duffé Aura, Valdez Cristian, Ali Saandia, Contreras Roa Leonardo, (2020), « Second language class planning: the stages of teaching-learning as a means of promoting the feeling of pleasure », Revista electrónica Matices en Lenguas extranjeras.
Valdez Cristian, (à paraître), « Degré d’abstraction et structure discursive : deux dimensions de la distinction ser/estar claro », Travaux linguistiques du Cerlico.
Valdez Cristian, (2017), « Evidencialidad en la atribución copulativa : el caso de ser/estar claro », Signo y Seña, 31 (1º sem. 2017), pp. 105-125.