In the media

Emilie Dardenne is a specialist in animal studies and has appeared on the RFI program “Idées”, as well as in “Le Temps du débat” and “Le Cours de l’histoire” on France Culture. You can also find her interviews on the Youtube channel “Les intelligences animales”.



Anaïs Le Fèvre-Berthelot participated in an episode of the OCS StorySéries podcast hosted by Charlotte Blum on the place of women in television series. You can also find her interventions in the podcast “Histoire en Séries” (here on Mrs. America and there on her book Speak Up!) and in “Pop-en-Stock” for an episode on The Queen’s Gambit.


Gildas Le Voguer analyzes the transfer of power between Trump and Biden through the prism of the Intelligence in an article in La Croix signed by Caroline Vinet (20/01/2021). In 2017, he spoke about the “deep state” at the microphone of France Culture in Cultures Monde”.


At conferences

On September 21, 2021, Florian Tréguer reviewed Falling Man by Don de Lillo 20 years after its release at the Franco-American Institute in Rennes.


In Massive Open Online Classes (MOOCs)

Emilie Dardenne participates in the MOOC of the Virtual University Environment and Sustainable Development on the theme “Living with other animals”, with a course on Animal Condition, Sensitivity and Humanity in the 18th century.