This research unit includes two components.

EPIC – Environment, Politics, Identities, Culture

EPIC (Environment, Politics, Identities, Cultures) studies political and historical aspects of different English-speaking countries. Several recurring themes form the basis of this axis: cultural consumption, war memories, the environment, political and social ecology. Other, more recent approaches, are closely interested in gender relations, the place of popular culture in the aesthetics of television series. Within this axis, ACE is part of the Scientist Interest Group (GIS Irish studies and GIS Institute of the Americas of Rennes) and strengthens scientific partnerships both in France (GUEST-Normandy program) and abroad (Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario; Canadian Military and Veterans Health Research Institute).

List of EPIC members.

Head of the Unit: Renée Dickason

TELL – Theory, Critical Studies, Linguistics, Literature

TELL (Theory, Critical Studies, Linguistics, Literature) brings together researchers whose work focuses more specifically on the theoretical questioning of the contemporary. It is in this axis that work on animal ethics is developed. In the same way, within the framework of the THEORIAS network, part of the research focuses on questions related to spirituality and religion. Linguistics work is linked to action research, but also to the analysis of television series. Finally, one theme of this axis is dematerialization and is particularly interested in the post-human theories.

List of TELL members. 

Head of the Unit: Benoît Tadié